Priss of all trades by 2040

If you talked to a thousand Farmer/Gardeners about how to work the land, well, you’d get about a thousand ways you can make a farm or garden work and probably even five hundred ways it can’t or won’t work. Hoop houses made from cattle panels and two by fours, cold frames from electrical conduit vs. pvc pipe, goats need a mound or don’t, cows are mean, cows are nice, a whole lots of facts and opinions (some both) about all the way one learned what works. Then you got regions, frost pockets, on and on.

People getting creative, region by region, climate by climate to make their lives in rural or urban farmsteads more enjoyable and unique. This isn’t just a trait in farmers, it tends to be a trait of creative minded people in general, really almost all people have it I’d guess. I was an artist before I started farming and a farmer before I was an artist and so on. Let me get to the point here, I just want to share with you the way I have came to survive well in the country, specifically on a small farm.

Be dependable within your means, offer your assistance to the community whether there is monetary gain or not. If you plan on growing food or providing services for others, be accountable and do odd jobs for a few people to make ends meet, make sure they know you have a farm and that is your main thing. Eat what you grow. As much as possible, do things to it like pickle it, hang it from strings, kiss it, talk to whatever it is you grow or raise. Plant yourself and your friends who help out a nice row of grazing edibles for work and leisure time. Learn as much as possible and understand you might not retain it all, but keep learning. Stay creative and use the other important skills you have to enhance your reality. That’s not everything of corse. I bet for every ten thousand people that read this, there’s ten thousand ways to make this work.

I can rap. Knowing that has helped me with general social skills, how to read the temperament and intent of others as well as how to write. What skills do you have that could be used in a more multi-dimensional manner? Say even, oh, to improve your life as is it.



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